The care at risk in global society


  • Concha Germán Bes Profesora Titular. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Fabiola Hueso Navarro Máster en Ciencias de la Enfermería. Enfermera del Centro de Salud de Cortes de Navarra
  • Isabel Huércanos Esparza Doctoranda. Universidad de Zaragoza
Keywords: invisible care, globalization, ethics, gender


The deep economic and social crisis of global society has important implications for health systems, led by biomedical elites which, under the paradigm of biotechnology, neglect the care of people. In our country, there are increasingly premature hospital discharges and the amount of ambulatory surgery is also rising, which means, people depend in some way on their families to save costs, not to take into account that families no longer have the same availability of care that a few decades ago and that the model has changed. This increases the demand for primary nursing care at home and they have to turn to hiring immigrants when they can afford to. Care tends to be considered from its ethical side and hardly at all from its professional side, due to the patriarchal legacy that links care to the private, feminine and free world. These values ​​have been transferred to the nursing profession. Most nursing professionals are women and they have been educated in conceptual subordination to medicine. This article proposes investigating the risk of loss of invisible or humanized care in society and in the nursing profession, because nursing is undergoing a crisis of values, possibly like society itself.


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How to Cite
Germán Bes, C. et al. 2011. The care at risk in global society. Global Nursing. 10, 3 (Jun. 2011). DOI:
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