Clinical safety in heart surgery hospitilization


  • Sergio Caballero Gálvez H.U. Virgen del Rocío. Sevilla.
  • Carlos García Camacho H.U. Puerta del Mar. Cádiz.
  • Adriano Sianes Blanco Hospital de Alta Resolución Sierra Norte. Sevilla.
Keywords: safety, quality, adverse events, cardiac surgery, nursing care, safe practices


Health care quality and clinical security are topical subjects at the moment inside health service management. Clinical security can be considered as an essential component inside quality.
ENEAS study shows medication, nosocomial infection, nursing care and the execution of a procedure -specially those ones related to surgical interventions- as the main causes of adverse events. Taking into account that surgical procedures performed in patients with heart disease carry higher risk, it's mandatory to add security to clinical practice of every health professional involved in this area.
In this project, the most important strategic lines relating to patient security will be described; these ones have been put into action for different organizations at autonomous, national and international level. We will also analyze the evolution and the most outstanding data coming from studies about clinical safety on the whole, clinical safety in surgical care and safety in cardiac surgery. Finally, the potential causes of adverse events will be mentioned; as well, the need of adding safer practices to improve the quality of nursing cares in in-patient cardiac surgery units will be explained in detail.


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Author Biographies

Sergio Caballero Gálvez, H.U. Virgen del Rocío. Sevilla.


Carlos García Camacho, H.U. Puerta del Mar. Cádiz.


Adriano Sianes Blanco, Hospital de Alta Resolución Sierra Norte. Sevilla.

How to Cite
Caballero Gálvez, S. et al. 2011. Clinical safety in heart surgery hospitilization. Global Nursing. 10, 2 (Apr. 2011). DOI: