Clichés and archetypes in public opinion: the social construction of nursing


  • María Inés Games Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Keywords: woman, feminism, nurse, opinion publishes, archetype, stereotype


The inquiry attempts to show the suffering and neglect of women in a period of history. It links being a woman and her relationship with the nursing discipline, as nursing from the outset has been an essentially feminine activity. The female nurse, united with religion, in other instances was conceived socially as a martyr. In certain socio cultural times it has been socially important to transmit the good social habits of women. The corollary denominator is the feeling of giving of themselves to others in order to feel useful and to help society.

It makes mention of women who as “women” introduced changes of historical importance in the nursing profession.
It shows the strength of public opinion in the construction of archetypes and stereotypes in society in terms of the nurse and women.
Feminism is mentioned as a social movement for women, along with some concepts and the fact that it is a movement that provoked socio-cultural changes for women.
Women in general condemned to submission and privacy, but who break through and participate in public life.


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Author Biography

María Inés Games, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Gabinete de Comunicación y Educación

PhStudent. Comunicación y Periodismo.

How to Cite
Games, M.I. 2011. Clichés and archetypes in public opinion: the social construction of nursing. Global Nursing. 10, 2 (Apr. 2011). DOI:
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