Intimate partner violence against female nurses. First results of a study in Andalusia


  • MA Rodríguez Borrego Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de la Universidad de Córdoba
  • M. Vaquero Abellán Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de la Universidad de Córdoba
  • L. Bertagnolli Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de la Universidad de Córdoba
  • R. Redondo Pedraza Distrito Sanitario Córdoba Centro.
  • A. Muñoz Alonso Distrito Sanitario Córdoba Centro.
Keywords: domestic violence, battered women, intimate partner violence (IPV)


Aim. To Identify intimate partner violence (IPV) against female nurses in a sample of nurses in Cordoba, Spain.

Design. Descriptive, cross-sectional study.

Setting. Hospitals and primary health care in Cordoba, Spain.

Participants. One hundred and two female nurses working in urban or rural, public or private health centers in Cordoba, Spain.

Measures. Social-demographic characteristics and presence of abuse (psychological, physical and sexual).

Results. A) A stricter recoding of the parameters of abuse: overall, 47.1% had experienced some type of IPV, of which 41.2% was psychological. B) A more permissible recoding of the parameters of abuse: 25.5% had experienced some type of IPV, of which 19.6% was psychological. C) Both recodings: 2.9% had suffered three types of abuse together (psychological, physical and sexual) and both psychological and sexual IPV; likewise, 11,8% reported more severe or more serious abuse.

Conclusion. The existence of intimate partner violence in female nurses was established and it was confirmed that this was expressed through psychological aspects.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Borrego, M. et al. 2011. Intimate partner violence against female nurses. First results of a study in Andalusia. Global Nursing. 10, 1 (Jan. 2011). DOI: