
  • JA. Guimarães Barbosa Mestre em Enfermagem. Especialista em Terapia Nutricional Enteral e Parenteral. Presidente do Comitê de Enfermagem da Sociedade Brasileira de Nutrição Enteral e Parenteral
  • LM. Nogueira Campos Enfermeira. Pós - graduanda em Saúde Coletiva pela UFMG. Belo Horizonte
Keywords: Venous ulcers, Chronic Venous Insufficiency, and Wound Treatment


This is a review of publications on venous ulcers. Considering the high incidence and prevalence of venous ulcers as well their interference in patients' lives and the different ways of treatment, this study proposes a modernization of guidelines on treating venous ulcers. The results showed that although the research has advanced, there still persists doubt as to which is the best venous ulcers treatment: Should the occlusive covering and compressive therapy be used together or not? The study concludes that the main guidelines to ulcers treatment should be based on four conducts: The static venous treatment, based on therapy and compress therapy; topical therapy, choosing the best local covering to keep the wounds humid and clean in order to absorb the exudation; infection control by using systemic antibiotic therapy and prevention of relapse.


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How to Cite
Guimarães Barbosa, J. and Nogueira Campos, L. 2010. TREATMENT GUIDELINES OF VENOUS ULCERS. Global Nursing. 9, 3 (Oct. 2010). DOI: