
  • JF. Ganime Doutor em Engenharia de Minas com Ênfase em Ambiente de Trabalho, Professor efetivo do Centro de Formação Tecnológica (CEFET) Araxá-Mg..
  • L. Almeida da Silva Preceptor de Enfermagem Cento Universitário do Triângulo UNITRI-Uberlândia-Mg
  • ML. Robazzi Professora Titular do Departamento de Enfermagem Geral e Especializada da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto EERP-SP
  • S. Valenzuela Sauzo Doctora en Enfermería, Profesora Asociada. Universidad de Concepción- Chile Arequipa.
  • S. Faleiro Especialista en Docência de Ensino Superior, Professora da Escola Navegantes Uberlandia-MG
Keywords: Noise, Noise at Work, and Working Environment.


A suitable working environment is one of the most important aspects that must be researched by companies. Business decisions must have as a goal the improvement of the workplace as well as the employees’ performance. One of the most commonly observed environmental risks in the industrial sector is noise. Hence, this study identifies some aspects of noise present in the industrial sector and its effects on employees, as well as the main ways to promote prevention. The study was based on a literature review carried out through a national and international bibliographical search, in the Scielo database, where 26 articles were found, from the moment the essays were entered in the database, in each one of the countries. The articles were read in their entirety. In addition to these articles, we also investigated the theme in books, and magazines present in the public University, as well as, science journals and electronic magazines of interest to the health and engineering fields. Some of these books were published before 1976. Evidence was observed that the continuous presence of this risk in the workplace and under certain environmental conditions may affect the health of the workers. Investments in the improvement of the work environment, with nurses’ actions in the execution of promotion and prevention programs: risks identification and continuous training, may transform the workplace favorably in productivity and improving the quality of the health of the workers. Thus, we observed a direct relation between a healthy work environment and a healthy worker. In this relationship, the nurses’ interventions were essential.



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How to Cite
Ganime, J. et al. 2010. NOISE AS AN OCCUPATIONAL RISK: A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE. Global Nursing. 9, 2 (Jun. 2010). DOI:
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