
  • Caridad Álvarez de la Cruz Lcda. en Enfermería. Master en Sexualidad. Profesora Auxiliar del Instituto de Ciencias Medicas y Preclinicas Victoria de Girón.
Keywords: Communication, Sexuality, Sexual education


In this article we are going to talk about the communication and sexuality. This topic is very important in all the stages of the life because the sexuality is a personality show and it´s a very complex and many factors depended phenomenon. The sexuality is expressed in many ways but, traditionally it have trended to schematize from strong social stereotypes and subject to strong hidden biological forces, so it´s necessary to understand the nature of the sexuality and the best ways to give sex education.


This article talk about topics related to the communication and young people sexuality, the benefits of a formal and humanized sex education and the different communication ways used in the sexuality field. Because that we set the following objects: to give some topics about communication and sexuality, and think about how important is the communication in the sex education.


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How to Cite
Álvarez de la Cruz, C. 2010. COMMUNICATION AND SEXUALITY. Global Nursing. 9, 2 (Jun. 2010). DOI:
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