About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Enfermería Global / Global Nursing was created from the concern for the acquisition of new avenues of information, access to research and the possibility of exchanging experiences and knowledge in an updated and rapid manner in the field of Nursing.

In its edition, Global Nursing has taken care of all the details that make it an attractive and easy-to-use publication for the Internet user. The digital document is a resource that offers us countless advantages and benefits, as long as we use it properly and know how to select From among the excess of information that we receive, that which truly has rigor, credibility, timeliness and authenticity in its contents presented in full text and freely accessible.

The articles, documents or published studies are related to the general fields corresponding to research, teaching, assistance and nursing administration. The sections of the journal are:

  • Originals.- Original works, studies and researches.
  • Reviews.- Critical and updated study on literature / themes of interest for the nursing discipline. Analysis and Conclusions are presented through its development.

Peer Review Process

In the evaluation process of Global Nursing/ Enfermería Global articles, scientific arbitration is carried out through double-blind peer review and a third reviewer in case of discrepancy, in which experts participate in the content of the work being evaluated, guaranteeing the total anonymity in manuscript review.

Enfermeria Global / Global Nursing provides reviewers with great competence and professional capacity, 95% of them are external to the publishing company, ensuring rigor, confidentiality, impartiality and honesty during this assessment.

The journal "Enfermeria Global“ has access to plagiarism detection tools and to diverse documents, such as the Library of the University of Murcia: Plagium, Dupli Checker, Viper, DOC C, Articlechecker, Copyscape, among others things.

Publication Frequency

Enfermería Global / Global Nursing is currently a quarterly magazine. Each annual volume is published in three issues, in January-April, May-September and October-December in electronic edition. The magazine's articles are published collectively, as part of an issue with its own table of contents.

Open Access Policy

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.'

Journal history

The electronic journal Enfermería Global / Global Nursing, supported by EDITUM (Ediciones de la Universidad de Murcia), was born in November 2002, with the sole intention of connecting and constituting a link between all nursing, regardless of its functions, destinations, borders or academic level.

In 2024, a new stage begins, with the renewal of the editorial team and a new change in its publication frequency, with the publication of three annual issues of 20 articles (60 articles per year).

Interoperability protocol

The journal provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface that allows its contents to be collected by other distribution systems, such as digital repositories and harvesters.


  • OAI-PMH Protocol Version 2.0
  • Dublin Core Metadata

Route for harvesters: https://revistas.um.es/eglobal/oai

Digital preservation policies

All journals published by the University of Murcia are hosted in the institutional repository DIGITUM (digitum.um.es). Authors are allowed and encouraged to deposit their works published in Enfermería Global in other repositories, since this favors their circulation, dissemination and preservation.

Ethical code

  • Submissions must be original, that is, the text and data presented therein have not been previously published. All authors guarantee their participation and responsibility in the submission. The submission will not be under consideration by another journal simultaneously.
  • The authors assume full responsibility for the bibliographic citations used, as well as for the ethical aspects related to the study subjects.
  • Works must not be published already.
  • In the event that the work has been presented at a Conference, Congress or similar, you must indicate the full name of the conference, dates and place of celebration, if it was presented as a poster, oral communication or presentation. And also if the summary has been published in the official book of the congress, page number, etc.
  • They are not considered unpublished if the text has been published in its entirety in the official book of the congress.
  • Enfermería Global understands that each research sent for publication previously complies with the evaluation regulations by the respective Ethics Committee, recording the anonymity and confidentiality of the people involved in the research.
  • In research involving human beings, authors must send a copy of the approval by the Ethics Committee.
  • "Enfermería Global" complies with the Standards of Good Editorial Practices in Gender Equality, referring to the % presence of women in the composition of Reviewers, Editorial Board, Editorial Committee, Secretariat and Management.
  • Attributions, citations and references: The author must always provide the correct indication of the sources, as well as the contributions mentioned in the article along with its DOI or URL, if any.
  • Conflict of interest and disclosure: All persons are required to explicitly declare that there are no conflicts of interest, which may have influenced the results obtained.
  • Authors must also indicate any funding that has favored or provided support to the project that generated the article and/or research.