"No queremos amos": Lambayecanos en lucha por libertad e igualdad (Afronorteños, 1750-1850)


  • Ninfa Idrogo Cubas
  • Guillermo Figueroa Luna


On the grouds of the archives the proposal explores the actitudes of the resistence adaptation or collaboration of the colour slaves in their individual and collective expressions. Their adaptation means were the paid manumissions and the judicial litigation. Their resistence means to the slave opression werw the runawa. the stockades of Tumán and Feñerrafe and the social homicide of the majordorno in Pomalca. Although the colour slaves lacked a social project opposed to the colonial society, they showed a deep and constant resistence to the opression in a rage of attitudes that went from the paid manuinission and the judicial litigation (adaptation in resistence) to the political protest and the collective revolt going thnough the runaway and the social homicide al1 this within a constant search of liberty.


