The Cultural Cognitive Model: A Programmatic Application


  • José Mª Martin Morillas Universidad de Granada


lingüística cognitiva, antropología cognitiva, cognición cultural, modelo cultural


In this paper we propose an integration of cognitive linguistic and cognitive anthropology models. The k q concept around the integration revolves is that of 'cultural cognition', manifested in the intersubjective categories and concepts that make up so-called 'cultural models ' in language, thought, affect and action, whose main functions include: to represent schematized versions of the world and experience; to help interpret novel symbolic experience; to encode and express intersubjective experience; and to synchronize, direct and motivate social action. In the first sections of the paper, we describe the theoretical underpinnings of the cognitive-cultural model; and in the last section we offer a sample programmatic application of the model to a possible (cross) cultural dictionary of 'World' and 'Self'.


