Care processes and impact of COVID-19 on female caregivers.

Case study in the province of Alicante


Keywords: Mujeres, cuidados de larga duración, sufrimiento psíquico, discapacidad mental, confinamiento, pandemia, ciclo vital


This article is to present the analysis of the narratives of women who care for family members diagnosed with psychological suffering, about the long-term care processes in the different stages of the life cycle and especially in the pandemic context. The research is situated within the framework of the phenomenological paradigm, using the case study as a method and the semi-structured open biographical interview as a technique for collecting information, whose narrative-episodic element has allowed us to get closer to the experiential world of the
interviewees, from of a narrative-generating question that served to stimulate the story, focusing on their life experiences in relation to the support, attention and care provided throughout their life. An interview structure subdivided into three blocks was developed, where the narrative questions gave us different reactions from the female caregivers and the balance questions turned the interviewees into experts and theorists of themselves. The entire process was submitted to the review of the research
ethics committee of the University of Alicante. The results obtained show that women caregivers of people in situations of special difficulty throughout life identify the meaning of the term care with “being concerned about the other, being attentive and living the life of the other.” This care becomes support when, throughout the different stages they are living, they try to ensure that their son and daughter, brothers and sisters, or family members
can “take care of themselves” and try to support them to achieve a routine that will help them. make more autonomous. It is a self-taught work that begins with the attention that the women interviewed dedicate to their loved ones. The article provides new information about the confinement and pandemic stage from the narratives
of female caregivers in relation to not identifying that stage as the greatest stressor that has marked their lives. 


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Author Biographies

Maria Asunción Lillo Beneyto, Universidad de Alicante

Full-time Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work and Social Services (2020) (University of Alicante) since 2007. Previously, she worked as Associate Professor LOU (2004-2008) and as Collaborating Professor (2008-2020) in the same department. Diploma in Social Work (1989). D. in Social Sciences, Social Work line, by the International School of Doctorate of the UNED (2019) (Cum Laude, unanimously). Her professional activity began as a social worker (1990-1994) in the Cerebral Palsy Association Infanta Elena in the "Infanta Elena" centre in Campello (Alicante). From 1994 she worked as a freelance professional and for more than 10 years she was Director of the Family Therapy Centre in Alicante, and at the same time associate lecturer until she joined the University of Alicante as a full time collaborating lecturer. In her teaching activity she has given classes in the Diploma and Degree in Social Work, in subjects related to Social Work. Since the introduction of the Degree in Social Work, she has taught the subjects "Models and Methods for Social Work II" and "Social Work with people and families". Her teaching activity has been evaluated overall as "very favourable" (Docentia Programme. 2018-19 academic year: 93.35 points. 2019-20 academic year: 93 points).

Clarisa Ramos Feijóo, Universidad de Alicante

Licenciada en Trabajo Social por la Universidad de Buenos Aires con formación especializada en Gerontología (AMTEBA y UBA). Desarrolló sus primeros años de actividad profesional en el Instituto Nacional de Jubilados y Pensionados de la Rep. Argentina. En España cursa la especialización en Migraciones en la Universidad de Comillas, y la especialización en género en el Instituto de Género de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, donde participa del área de mujer del INAUCO. Se capacita como Agente de Desarrollo Local en la Asociación de Cooperativas madrileñas de Trabajo Asociado. Trabaja en CIDEAL y posteriormente en CEPAIM como trabajadora social. Obtiene la plaza de profesora titular de Escuela Universitaria en la Universidad de Alicante, donde previamente ejerció como profesora asociada así como también ha sido profesora asociada de la universidad Complutense de Madrid. Se doctora en el programa de Bienestar Social y Desigualdades de la UA con sobresaliente CUM LAUDE en enero de 2011. Actualmente es profesora titular de universidad de la Universidad de Alicante. Forma parte del Centro de Estudios de la Mujer (CEM) de la Universidad de Alicante actualmente Instituto Universitario de Estudios de Género donde integra el Grupo de Investigación sobre Género. Durante la existencia del  CEM se desempeñó como responsable de extensión universitaria, posteriormente secretaria y dirigió también la Revista FEMINISMOS y el primer experto de la UA en intevención psicosocial desde la perspectiva de género. Dirige actualmente el grupo de investigación sobre Modelo de Atención Integral y Centrada en la Persona de la Universidad de Alicante. Asimismo forma parte del patronato de la Fundación Pilares para la autonomía personal, entidad especializada en el MAICP y coordina mediante un convenio firmado entre esa Fundación y la UA diversos proyectos en el territorio de la Comunidad Valenciana. Es miembro de la Junta directiva de la Sociedad Valenciana de Geriatría y Gerontología y Dirige la Cátedra de Cultura Gitana de la universidad de Alicante.


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How to Cite
Lillo Beneyto, M. A., & Ramos Feijóo, C. (2023). Care processes and impact of COVID-19 on female caregivers. : Case study in the province of Alicante. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (12), 15–24.