The Nopal Framework: A Heuristic Framework for Understanding Racism in the Context of Mexico
The issue of racism in Mexico has been marked by sporadic attention and a lack of sustained and thorough research. In addition, the literature has largely neglected the concept of the embodiment of racism, a critical dimension that explores how systemic inequalities manifest themselves in tangible physiological and psychological outcomes. This gap not only limits our understanding of the multiple impacts of racism, but also hinders the development of comprehensive social and health policy interventions to address its harms. Drawing on the nopal metaphor, deeply rooted in Mexican culture, the framework examines racism through three key dimensions: overt everyday racism ("Racismo Cotidiano y Visible"), systemic racism ("Racismo Sistémico"), and the embodied experience of racism ("Racismo Encarnado"). Using one approach, the framework serves as a roadmap for a wide range of research questions and methodologies. Importantly, it emphasizes the need for participatory research, based on the universe of communities under study and intervention, to ensure culturally sensitive and directly applicable results. The nopal framework aims to provide a nuanced understanding of the complexities of racism in Mexico, offering avenues for empirical studies and interventions with community participation.
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