The Technical Teaching Staff of Community Services: areas and topics of intervention


Keywords: segregación escolar, integración social, educación secundaria, orientación escolar, violencia escolar


The following article deals with the Technical Teacher of Community Services in public secondary schools in the Region of Murcia. In the words of Paredes (2020), the PTSC is an educational professional and a dynamic agent, who serves as a bridge between the secondary school, the family, the students and society.  The objectives established in this article are: to know the real tasks of the PTSC and to analyse the coherent or non-existent relationships between the officially regulated tasks and those developed by the PTSC in the educational reality. Due to the characteristics of the sample as well as the scarce bibliography on the subject, a mixed methodology has been chosen, complementing the use of questionnaires, interviews and discussion groups. As results, among others, it has been obtained that the PTSC in the Region of Murcia has the following functions: meetings and follow-up with families, coordination with Social Services, collaboration with tutors, control of truancy, school failure and school dropout and, finally, improvement of coexistence and non-violence. Another noteworthy result is that 55.7% of those surveyed stated that there are differences between what they should do according to the regulations and what they do in their daily work practice. Finally, as a conclusion, it can be summarised that the legally assigned tasks and those carried out in daily work practice coincide, although with nuances, and that these situations are multiple, diverse and complex.


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Author Biography

Laura Paredes Galiana, Universidad de Murcia.

Educadora Social por la Universidad de Murcia, facultad de Educación (2009-2013). Máster en Mediación, itinerario profesional, por la Universidad de Murcia, facultad de Trabajo Social (2013-2014), y Máster en Mediación, itinerario de investigación en la Universidad de Murcia por la facultad de Trabajo Social (2014-2015). Actualmente adscrita al Programa de Doctorado  en Educación de la Universidad de Murcia.


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How to Cite
Paredes Galiana, L. (2021). The Technical Teaching Staff of Community Services: areas and topics of intervention. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (10), 57–68.