The perspective of professionals on evidence-based prevention


Keywords: formación de profesionales, competencias formativas, prevención familiar, prevención basada en evidencia, programas de prevención basada en evidencia.

Supporting Agencies

  • Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) y European Regional Development Funds (ERDF


The quality of the facilitator in an evidence-based family prevention programs is a key element for an effective application. Even so, currently most preventive actions are not based on this type of program, which favors the existence of resistance on the part of the facilitators themselves. The negative perception of the standardized models is related to the supposed incompatibility of them with the socio-educational practice -and with an adequate guidance of the families-, which does not allow to evaluate the possibilities that the same model offers, such as systematic avaluation and knowledge about the results.

The research analyzes these resistances and the practical implications of them, considering the experience of the professionals who are trainers in an evidence-based program. A qualitative methodology is applied through a semi-structured interview that allows to analyze the competences requiered for the quality of the interventions as well as to define of a standardized intervention model (and its main components) with the sufficient flexibility of the facilitator that allows him to maintain his capacity for group dynamization and necessary interaction with families.


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Author Biography

Belén Pascual Barrio, Universitat de les Illes Balears

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How to Cite
Pascual Barrio, B., Sánchez Prieto, L., Orte Socías, C., & Ballester Brage, L. (2020). The perspective of professionals on evidence-based prevention. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (9), 5–15.