Limited social rights, complex needs and the persistent of vulnerability in women asylum seekers in Bodo, Norway
Supporting Agencies
- International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRES)
- Marie Curie Actions. FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES
Within global forced displacement of millions of people, women asylum seekers continue to face different situations those create vulnerable states and complex needs, part of this problem is due to the social structures that allow the permanence of unequal treatment motivated by the gender. Situation that is visible even in leading countries such as Norway, which has distinguished, in recent years, for being a nation through a flexible migration policy where contemplates the possibilities of refuge within its territory for people living humanitarian situations considered serious in their countries of origin. This paper presents the main findings of a qualitative research conducted in Bodo, Norway (summer 2013) which was part of an international project named "Understanding and Supporting Families with complex needs", whose funding is inserted into the International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRES), Marie Curie Actions under the identification: FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES. The main objective was to study various aspects of the ways and lifestyles of women asylum seekers in Bodo, Norway; in this direction, this document addresses specific results on issues that revolve around perceptions of vulnerability and shows the complex needs in their immigration status and gender have to face.
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