Social support, mental health and economic situation in women of single-parent and two-parent families users of Social Services


Keywords: Single-parent families, two-parent families, social support, mental health, economic needs


The aim of this research is to study if the perception of social support is favorably related to the mental health of the women of single-parent and two-parent families and to analyze the economic needs of these families. The participants have been 73 women with children, 36 women who face maternity by themselves and 37 women who share the maternity with their partners. All of them are object of intervention by a family treatment team of the Social Services. Participants respond to a questionnaire with the study variables. The results (MANOVA and Correlations) prove that the single-parent families have significantly more economic, working and mental health problems than the two-parent families. The results also prove a negative relation between social support and mental health problems, women from single parent families perceive less social support and show more problems of mental health than women from two-parent families. These results raise the necessity of offering action protocols from the Social Services according to the needs of these families.


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Author Biographies

Isabel Hombrados Mendieta, Universidad de Málaga

Doctora en Psicología, catedrática de universidad en el departamento de psicología social, trabajo social, antropología social y estudios de asia oriental de la Universidad de Málaga.

Carmen Olmos Ruiz, Ayuntamiento de Málaga

Trabajadora Social. Ayuntamiento de Málaga.


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How to Cite
Hombrados Mendieta, I., & Olmos Ruiz, C. (2016). Social support, mental health and economic situation in women of single-parent and two-parent families users of Social Services. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (5), 5–15. Retrieved from