Situation of our elderly institutionalized in residential care and needs for the social integration


  • Esther Acevedo Alcaraz
  • Miguel Alcaraz Baños
  • Juan Benito Martínez
  • Bradley Robert Muir
  • Conrado Navalón Vila
Keywords: Nursing/residential care, elderly people, quality of life, dependency, institutionalitation


We have the degree of physical dependence (using the Barthel index and Lawton-Brodyindex) and depressive disorders (Yesavage scale) 300 elderly people over Murcia Region after personalinterview to meet their needs and enable us to develop forms of social intervention. If our results define the current status of our elderly institutionalized, the high degree of dependence we found impose measures to solve these serious problems to improve the social integration of these higher within their institutions.


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How to Cite
Acevedo Alcaraz, E., Alcaraz Baños, M., Benito Martínez, J., Muir, B. R., & Navalón Vila, C. (2014). Situation of our elderly institutionalized in residential care and needs for the social integration. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (3). Retrieved from