La cooperación técnica entre las administraciones públicas y otros actores para el desarrollo de las políticas sociales


  • Inmaculada Lasala Meseguer
Keywords: cooperation, public administrations, social actors


Technical and financial collaboration among public administrations and also with others civil society actors, fully respecting the constitutional system of distribution of powers and inspired by the principles of responsibility, participation, equality and equity, is a key element for planning, coordinating and monitoring social policies. Specially in moments such as this, in which we face important social changes and an economic crisis, with the final aim of taking care of citizens ́ social needs and specially of those belonging to groups at a higher risk, looking forward to increase life quality, fighting poverty, discrimination and social exclusion and increasing social welfare.


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How to Cite
Lasala Meseguer, I. (2014). La cooperación técnica entre las administraciones públicas y otros actores para el desarrollo de las políticas sociales. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (3). Retrieved from