Lone fathers in multigenerational households: a sociological reading from the perspective of the economic crisis


  • Manuela Avilés Hernández
Keywords: lone fathers, familiar core, extended household, familial solidarity, network of familiar and social support


This paper focuses on the study of the familiar reality in which a lone man, with their children, lives with other relatives or friends in a multigenerational household. The objective is to identify, in general, the proportion of household of this type that there is in Spain, the characteristics of their members and changes in their structure and composition from the economic crisis. The paper concludes with the profile more common in our society of this household, potential user of the social services.


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How to Cite
Avilés Hernández, M. (2014). Lone fathers in multigenerational households: a sociological reading from the perspective of the economic crisis. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (3). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/azarbe/article/view/198681

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