The helping Relationships in the framework of social worker intervention
This research focuses on the professional relationships that are established between thesocial workers and the users with the objective of understanding the nature, according with the professional perspective and in the context of the intervention. Since the beginning of the professional practice that social workers value the relationship with the user, believing that through the relationship we can can arrive at an understanding of the person and achieve social change. In this research we have questioned the possibilities and the potential of the relationship, making it more visible and intentional, based on the knowledge and experience of professionals. The proposal that we present is the result of the research in the PHD program. According with this we define as subject of study the relationship construction process, understanding the meaning and the complexity of the relationship as well as the constraints involved in the process. The methodological process consisted of a phenomenological approach valuing the meaning assigned by the social workers and implemented qualitative methods of collecting and processing information. We interviewed twelve social workers, diversifying the fieldsof activity, in order to understand the particulars and the meaning of the professional relationship. Inthe conclusion we systematized the ontological, epistemological and methodological approach to the professional relationship between social worker and the user.Downloads
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