The responsibility of Social Work atthedetermination of the most vulnerable groups
A qualitative study of social work in hospitals area is presented. Forty five interviews weremade to social workers from nine hospitals in Catalonia, who are working with children, older people and their families in vulnerable situation. The main purpose was identifying how professionals perceive their own actions, relating to information, decision making and self-determination of patients and their families. It was considered important to focus research on these groups considered most vulnerable in relation to their right to self-determination and autonomy in decision making. In childhood by parental consent, in older people because the decisions about their health might involve conflict between them and their families and between own relatives. These situations involving ethical dilemmas in decision-making and cause suffering in families and in children and older, whom social workers should be able to inform, advice, assist and offer support. The results show that the notion of self-determination isinherent in the discipline to social work, which is respected and promoted in current practice. The patient will is preserved through comprehensive information, providing understandable language, which allows making a decision. The research highlights that social workers are prepared to intervene about self-determination of patients and families. These interventions intended to inform on rights, guidance, help, and enabling make decisions.Downloads
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