Degree dissertation at the Faculty of Social Work at University of Murcia


  • María Teresa Martín Fuentes
  • Enrique Pastor Seller
Keywords: Degree Dissertation, student’s profile, professor’s profile, knowledge areas department


The degree dissertation is a subject of the Degree in Social Work at the University of Murcia. This subject is governed by the Regulation adopted by University of Murcia. This subject consists of 6 ECTS and when the student exceeds the subjects he/she reaches his/her Degree in Social Work. This subject was offered for the first time in 2009/2010 academic year. This paper is aimed to present theevolution of this subject during the last four academics years. The experience accumulated over the years allows us to be able to deal with some aspects. Specifically, we’ll present the student’s profile who have defended their degree dissertation. Moreover, we’ll show the profile of professor’s who have participated. In addition, we’ll incorporate an analysis of the types of degree dissertation: Social Intervention Proyect, Social Research Proyect and Theoretical Review. Finally, we’ll present academic achievement data.


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How to Cite
Martín Fuentes, M. T., & Pastor Seller, E. (2014). Degree dissertation at the Faculty of Social Work at University of Murcia. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (3). Retrieved from