El deterioro de los derechos sociales en el concepto de ciudadanía de las sociedades avanzadas. Implicaciones para el trabajo social


  • María Belén García Palma
  • María Isabel Sánchez Mora
  • Ana Millán Jiménez
Keywords: citizenship, social work, social rights, Welfare State, citizen participation


Introduction. This work presented come from T. H. Marshall (1997) concept of citizenship, who considere that is composed of three fundamental elements: civil rights, political rights and social rights that have established lines of inclusion and social exclusion in organized societies (States). In this context, the general objective is toanalyse the evolution of social rights and their impact on the concept of citizenship in what we calle advanced societies, in the case of the Spanish society. Material and methods. Following Beltrán (1986) the critical-rational method is resumed. Thus, the background and hypothesis that let advance in a rational reflection on the subject under analysis. Empirical support is given from data of the Labour Force Survey and the Survey of Living Conditions of the National Institute of Statistics. Results. As a main result it is obteined, a new approach to citizenship configurators traits that affects its social component, from which a number of implications for intervention and social work are deducted. Discussion. Conclussions provide an updated description of the concept of citizen ship and, therefore, an updated scope of social work visión, proposing new criteria and guidelines for the work and intervention from social work.


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How to Cite
García Palma, M. B., Sánchez Mora, M. I., & Millán Jiménez, A. (2014). El deterioro de los derechos sociales en el concepto de ciudadanía de las sociedades avanzadas. Implicaciones para el trabajo social. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (3). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/azarbe/article/view/198381