Globalización y cosmopolitismo en las ciencias sociales. La Sociedad del riesgo global


  • Fernando Casas Mínguez
Keywords: Globalizacion, modernity, risk, state


According to Ulrich Beck, the main problem of the social sciences is that the wrong questionsare asked. The key questions of social theories are most of them oriented to stability and the ordersetting, and not to what we are experiencing and, therefore, we must understand: an epochal changeand discontinuous in modern society. Beck argued that risk had become the central concept for analysis of modern society. Material and Methods. The method of work that has followedfor the preparationof the report has been the review and bibliographic analysis. They have consulted skilled monographs inthe different matters treated in the report, as well as different articles published in magazines of indisputable scientific rigour. Results. This paper aims to enhance our understanding the approache of risk society global and reflect of some implications of his theory. Discussion. We ended the paper exposingthe ideological aspects of the theory risk society global.


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How to Cite
Casas Mínguez, F. (2014). Globalización y cosmopolitismo en las ciencias sociales. La Sociedad del riesgo global. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (3). Retrieved from