Interdisciplinarity and the Relationship Theory/Practice: an interdepartmental Experience


  • Marilena Dellavalle
Keywords: Integrated teaching, multidisciplinary, coupling theory / practice, reprocess of experience, internship


Introduction. We are pleased to propose an educational experience – since few years takingplace in the University of Turin by students of Social work degree course – that integrates lecturing andinternship. The objective is to develop an active and interdisciplinary didactic, coherent and consistent with the “Processo di Bologna” and with the social work setting that is aimed to link theory andpractice. Materials and methods. The internship can generate learning only if the practice is subject toa structured analysis and sustained by active didactic activities. The “Laboratori di guida alla rielaborazi-one” (Elaboration guide laboratories) go along the internship and have the objective of matching the experience realized during the internship and theory gathered during the course. Results and discussion. The innovation here is the involvement not only of social work teachers but also of other disciplines. The contribute coming from different teachers appears to favourite in the student the creationof a multifactor vision, essential to approach issues and situations and to build professional behaviours coherent with the principle of a global approach. Student’s feedback can generate a reflecting processaimed to overcome rigid procedures, impacting positively on the professional activity.


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How to Cite
Dellavalle, M. (2014). Interdisciplinarity and the Relationship Theory/Practice: an interdepartmental Experience. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (3). Retrieved from