Applying citizenship social work with older people and people at the end of life


  • Malcolm Payne
Keywords: Citizenship, end of life, older people, social work


This paper examines how the rights associated with citizenship for older people and people at the end of life may be restricted, particularly in conservative communitarian views of citizenship, which demands economic participation as a condition of citizenship and devalues dependence on others. It identifies the cha- racteristics of a citizenship social work, which implements radical communitarian values that favour participation and engagement as a source of solidarity in society. By seeing ageing as a pathway through third and fourth ages of life towards death, with changing health and social care provision, citizenship social work seeks to focus on areas of life where loss of citizenship is most at risk. It aims to promote integration of formal and informal care, supporting older people’s independence through generalised services available to all, rather than separate specialised services, focusing on services crucial to maintaining independence and promoting engagement in creative and group activities to enhance personal development and social involvement.


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How to Cite
Payne, M. (2013). Applying citizenship social work with older people and people at the end of life. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (2). Retrieved from