A dialog of "pensares": Two paradigms for practice and research in social work in the Spanish-speaking world


  • Emilia Martínez Brawley
  • Paz M-B. Zorita
Keywords: Latin America, Research Paradigms, Practice, Social Work


This article will explain the principles of the main paradigms of practice and research in social work Anglo-Saxon world, will present reflections on these paradigms vis-a-vis the Spanish-speaking cultural and linguistic paradigmatic and suggest alternatives to the practice and research in social work in Spanish-speaking communities.


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How to Cite
Martínez Brawley E., & M-B. Zorita, P. (2013). A dialog of "pensares": Two paradigms for practice and research in social work in the Spanish-speaking world. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (2). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/azarbe/article/view/187411