We need the Community


  • Alf Ronnby
Keywords: Action theory, belonging, collective action, community organizing, dialectical processes, empowerment, social mobilization, social movements


Modern societies tend to become fragmented by new migration patterns and human mobility. Ur- banization, large-scale residential environments and a lack of social ties makes people alienated, and social cohesion, crucial to human well-being, is weakened. In such societies, the old class divisions are replaced by other sectors of the population and interests. Deviant behavior and criminality developed when informal social control does not work. It will then be replaced by formal control devices, which usually fail to create effective social environments. It is in this context community organizing has become a means and method to re-create inclusive environments where people work together for common concerns, understand and learn about their community and themselves in the same process. It provides opportunities for people to collaborate and influence their life situation, which community organizing very much is about. This article is about the concept of community organizing.


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How to Cite
Ronnby, A. (2013). We need the Community. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (2). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/azarbe/article/view/187391