Social Work against “Travail Social”


  • José Luis Sarasola Serrano
  • Celia María Fernández Sánchez
Keywords: Social Work, social worker, France, European University Reform, Social Work Training


Since our accession to the European Union, Spain has signed treaties that provide for free movement and the right to education of Spanish citizens in any country of the European Union. In fact, a University reform has started at the European level, framed within the Lisbon Strategy or Bologna Process, which we have included in the European Higher Education Area. In the following article we analyze through Social Work the way in which this has influenced the relationship between Spain and France. We will describe the process of formation of a social worker to its practice, both in a country and the other. We will also describe the different current mechanisms for recognition of its certification, in order to facilitate the mobility of pro- fessionals and students.


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How to Cite
Sarasola Serrano, J. L., & Fernández Sánchez C. M. (2013). Social Work against “Travail Social”. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (2). Retrieved from