Las relaciones de poder en las profesiones de ayuda. Una cuestión ética de primer orden


  • Teresa Zamanillo Peral Catedrática Emérita Escuela de Trabajo Social UCM
Keywords: uncertainty, power, domination, freedom, autonomy, emancipation, take care of itself


The proposed of this article is to accompany to the professionals of Social Work, and professors of this profession, to thinking about of the use of the power with the citizens who attended at the social services. The bureaucratic system domination whom dominates to everyone, but gave power (Max Weber) in concordance with the will of power (Nietzsche) that we have to release and with the people for who we work, as well as the power as relation (Foucault), that not as substantial, they are concept as reflexives guidelines it work in these pages. In this work the conclusions are scanty on purpose. We prefer that the readers who read this article with an attitude of reflection -action, turn out in a practice. Only this way we will have reached our desire.


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How to Cite
Zamanillo Peral, T. (2012). Las relaciones de poder en las profesiones de ayuda. Una cuestión ética de primer orden. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (1). Retrieved from