Social work, new contexts and commitments


  • Ana Isabel Lima Fernández Presidenta del Consejo General del Trabajo Social
Keywords: Social Work, commitment, new contexts, social development, global agenda, areas of intervention, degree, postgraduate, modernization, directives, professional associations, General Council


The present text presents and analyzes the recent activity of the profession to raise the new contexts in which social work is moving. Therefore, it runs the international context and the recent commitments to action made under Global Agenda (developed by IFSW and two other international organizations related to social work). This article presents an analysis from certain areas of social intervention such as social services and the specialty of medical social work. On the other it shows the new scenario proposed by the implementation of the Bologna Process and the degrees in Social Work in Spain and the current adaptation of Spanish professional associations to structural changes due to certain EU Directives.


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How to Cite
Lima Fernández, A. I. (2012). Social work, new contexts and commitments. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (1). Retrieved from