Public policy for immigrants and emigrants in Spain. Historical, theoretical and legislative approach


  • Carmen Alemán Bracho Catedrática de E.U. de Política Social y Servicios Sociales en la UNED
  • José María Alonso Seco Profesor Asociado de Servicios Sociales de la UNED
Keywords: hospitality, immigration, social integration, migration flows, social services


The arrival of immigrants to Spain is a relatively recent. Although the first legislation on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain, after the Constitution, it is 1985, not until 2000 when the real inflection occurs in the legal treatment of the guarantees and rights in regard to social services. While social integration of immigrants is a process that corresponds to many administrative areas (employment, housing, health, social services, interior, culture,..) Were social services, as in many other facts when they emerge first time, initially concerned with the integration of immigrants, regardless of the meritorious work of individual NGOs, often formed by relatives of those networks, which were the first to do so.


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How to Cite
Alemán Bracho, C., & Alonso Seco, J. M. (2012). Public policy for immigrants and emigrants in Spain. Historical, theoretical and legislative approach. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (1). Retrieved from