Spanish olive oil, wine and salted products in Oberaden
In the first period of the roman presence on the Rhine, August and their com- manders tried to extend the roman domains to the river Elbe. Ancient writers tell us about the military operations carried on by Drusus from 12 to 9 b. C. The archaeologi- cal record confirms this vision with the discovery of a big number of roman military camps. Oberaden is one of the most important. It reaches 56 hectares and is placed in the middle of the Lippe valley.
The excavations of the beginning of the XX century asserted the arrive of typical Mediterranean products due the big amount of amphorae finds witch were imported from the hole roman world, but specially from ancient Hispania. In this paper we try to show the role of Hispanic oil, wine and salted fish products, analysing the amphorae volume of the last twenty-five years excavations under the direction of J-S. Kühlborn. This Study allowed us to go deeper in the data of S. Loeschcke and to have a better idea of the role played by the Iberian Peninsula in the roman army supply during the campaigns towards the Elbe.
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