The archaeometric study of wine amphorae: a new approach to wine production and commerce in the Tarraconensis
Given the partial and limited archaeological information available for the study of wine production in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula between the 1st century BC and the 1st century AD, this study aims to analyze the production processes and trade of this agricultural surplus through the archaeological and archaeometrical characterization of wine amphorae. In this work we present the results of the thin section analysis of 58 Tarraconense 1 and Pascual 1 amphorae from several archaeological contexts from two port cities of Gallia Narbonensis –Narbo Martius (Narbonne) and Lattara (Lattes)– dating from 50 BC to the flavian period. The results have been compared with the large analytical database on these amphorae productions available at the Equip de Recerca Arqueològica i Arqueomètrica de la Universitat de Barcelona (ERAAUB) in order to identify which areas participated in the trade from NE Spain to S France, which were the first exporting wine and at what time each area started to participate in this market.
The provenance analysis of 58 amphorae shards from Narbo Martius and Lattara shows a gradual and differential involvement of each wine-amphorae production area in Gallic markets. Initially (50-25 BC), a clear predominance of wine amphorae produced at the territory of the Roman city of Iluro (Mataró) is observed in Narbonne and Lattes. Instead, from the Augustus period, the provenance areas are much more diversified, participating in these transactions amphorae from Iluro and from new workshops placed at the ager of the Roman cities of Baetulo (Badalona) and Barcino (Barcelona) and, to a lesser extent, amphorae from workshops placed at the lower basin of the Llobregat river and at the north and south of Catalonia. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that the high demand of wine from NE Spain in Gallia Narbonensis was supplied mostly by the surplus come from the Catalan central coast.
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