Cerro Martos (Herrera, Seville): an olive oil production enclave in the Higher Genil


  • Jorge Morín de Pablos
  • Rui Roberto de Almeida
  • Fernando Sánchez Hidalgo
Keywords: Cerro Martos, Herrera, Sevilla, oil production, Genil’s upper valley


The works of the LAV between Cordoba and Malaga have permitted the study of several archaeological sites, affected by the trace of this railway line, amongst which standst out Cerro Martos, near the village of Herrera (Sevilla) and also near the Genil’s upper valley. The archaeological intervention involved prospections, test drilling campaign and aeral excavation. The excavation of Cerro Mato’s site turned out to be quite interesting, as it permitted the documentation of an oil production complex. Although the deterioration of the buildings, the structures and remains recovered made it possible to characterise the different stages of the whole transformation process, as well as it size, which speak about an industrial production’ character, that deve,loped its activity between the I and III centuries d.c.


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How to Cite
Morín de Pablos J., Roberto de Almeida, R., & Sánchez Hidalgo F. (2015). Cerro Martos (Herrera, Seville): an olive oil production enclave in the Higher Genil. Annals of Prehistory and Archaeology, 441–448. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/apa/article/view/230321