Olive oil production tools and facilities in the villa of Los Villaricos (Mula, Murcia): new evidence


  • Rafael González Fernández
  • Francisco Fernández Matallana
Keywords: Rural settlement, pressing area, deposits, oil, wine


The work carried out in recent decades in the villa of Villaricos (Mula, Murcia) shows a rural settlement where all elements documented are proper to agricultural facilities of the Romans. Within these facilities, there are descriptions of the rooms, joined with the domus, and which have be interpreted, from their excavation in the 90’s, as structures for the production and marketing of oil, although it is possible that its function is intended for the production of wine. In recent years, south of the site has been documented as large press room paved with opus spicatum and three large stones carved identified as arbores which with two small deposits attached to its Southeast end and communicated to each other, can be interpreted as a large complex of mill site for oil production. In brief, is seem as two major structures for processing and producing wine and oil that worked independently and at the same time as it has been set for both a moment of abandon at about V century A.D.


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How to Cite
González Fernández R., & Fernández Matallana F. (2015). Olive oil production tools and facilities in the villa of Los Villaricos (Mula, Murcia): new evidence. Annals of Prehistory and Archaeology, 305–317. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/apa/article/view/230221