Some evidences of wine and olive oil production in the Vall d’Albaida (Valencia) during the Roman period


  • Agustí Ribera
  • Joaquim Bolufer
  • Ignacio Hortelano
Keywords: Vall d’Albaida, Roman times, wine, oil, pools, presses


We present some possible material evidences of the production of wine and/or oil in Roman times in the valencian region of La Vall d’Albaida, in the territory of Saetabis (Xàtiva). All of them are collected over the years in different fieldworks, those of the authors or others. In most cases they are small pools of caementvm, coated with signinum or paved with rhomboidal bricks that either have been discovered in archaeological excavations, or have been locating incidentally. We also know some press counterweights which only in some cases we can ensure their attachment to Roman times, being more doubtful in the rest.


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How to Cite
Ribera, A., Bolufer, J., & Hortelano, I. (2015). Some evidences of wine and olive oil production in the Vall d’Albaida (Valencia) during the Roman period. Annals of Prehistory and Archaeology, 261–272. Retrieved from