Characterization of physical and chemical composition, and economic evaluation of commercial petfood for small breed adult dogs


  • Paula Ivars Jansen Universidad de Murcia
  • Fuensanta Hernández Ruipérez Universidad de Murcia
  • Juan Orengo Femenía Universidad de Murcia
  • Silvia Martínez Miró Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: feed, price, dogs, composition


Nowadays, the petfood industry is having a great breakthrough due to the facility of feeding our pets and obtaining a correct nutrient composition for the daily diet, with its corresponding increase in demand. For this study, four brands and two batch per brand of dry feed for small breed (< 10 kg BW) adult dogs where used. They belong to three different categories: one Super premium, one Premium and two White brands (1 and 2). The physical parameters measured were the length, thickness, hardness, durability and density, and the chemical parameters were the moisture, ash, crude protein, crude fiber, crude fat, calcium, phosphorus and 16 amino acids. As well as, the metabolizable energy (ME) was calculated with prediction equations and the intake and cost of daily ration were estimated for each feed. The results of the physical parameters showed that the kibbles of feeds had a length < 14 mm and a low density (≤ 0.50 g/cm3). The durability was very high and without significant differences between feeds (P > 0.05). The comparison of the nutritional composition declared on the dog feed label and the chemical analysis done in this study showed that generally the feeds were in the admitted tolerance limits from the legislation, excluding ash and phosphorus contents in White brand 1. The nutrient composition in dry matter showed that the White brand 1 had the lowest percentage of crude protein, methionine and lysine and had significantly the highest level of ash, calcium and phosphorus compared with the other feeds (P < 0.05). In addition, this brand had the lowest concentration in metabolizable energy (P < 0.01). Finally, all the dog foods covered the minimum requirements for the nutrients per 1000 kcal ME. On the estimated daily ration cost, is found that between the most expensive feed (Super premium) and the cheapest (White brands) exists a difference of 66.91%. In conclusion, with these results we can consider that the price of the feed does not determine the quality of itself in relation with the nutrients evaluated, but it would be necessary to consider other trial supplements.
Key words: feed, price, dogs, composition.


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How to Cite
Ivars Jansen, P., Hernández Ruipérez, F., Orengo Femenía, J., & Martínez Miró, S. (2019). Characterization of physical and chemical composition, and economic evaluation of commercial petfood for small breed adult dogs. Anales de Veterinaria de Murcia, 32, 19–30. Retrieved from
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