Use of stem cells for the treatment of tendinopathies in sport horses


  • R. Diego
  • J. Gadea
Keywords: stem cells, growth factor, plasma rich in platelets, horse, tendonitis


Horses have a potent tendinous system in the distal region, which originate in the muscle systems, proximally to carpus or tarsus, to attach the coffin bone. As a result of sports requirements which horses are require to, tendinopathies are becoming a common pathology, affecting their sport life. Classically, tendinopathies treatment was being based in extracellular matrix regenerators (PSGAG and hyaluronic acid) or collagen inhibitors (BAPN) with a rest period, but the results weren’t encouraging. So that, from ten years ago, therapeutics options are being developed based on regenerative medicine and cell therapy because they let recover the same biomechanical properties to the tendon. In this paper, we review the state of the art in cellular therapy with MSCs for the treatment of tendon injuries in sports horses. Use of adipose derived stem cells or bone derived stem cells are the most common strategies use in cell therapy with great results compared with control groups (treatment based in rest periods), it shows higher number of collagen type I fibres, less water, glicosaminoglicans concentration and inflammatory cells in the lesion area; also, it is reported a higher neovascularization process. In relation with biomechanical properties, tendons treated with MSCs have less stiffness and higher crimp pattern, they are more elastic too. 98,2% of horses treated (n=113) with MSCs returned to their sports competition. 27,4% of the 98,2% horses, have recurrence lesions and 5,3% of the horses witch return to their sports training and competition, have a tendinopathy of the contralateral limb. However, it isn’t found differences related with gender and age in the resolution of tendon lesions in horses treated with MSCs. Although the results of the first studies are favourable, it is needed a standardization of protocols and a higher number of animals in study for reaching definitive conclusions.


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How to Cite
Diego, R., & Gadea, J. (2017). Use of stem cells for the treatment of tendinopathies in sport horses. Anales de Veterinaria de Murcia, 30, 33–43. Retrieved from
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