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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This manuscript is original and unpublished, and has not been nor will be submitted to another journal for consideration unless it is rejected.
  • The text adheres to the requirements of the journal's publication standards, including APA-style Bibliographic References.
  • It has included in its submission the "Cartaeditor.pdf" signed by all authors.

Author Guidelines


Anales de Veterinaria is edited by the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Murcia (Spain) through the Publications Service of the University of Murcia. It publishes research results in all fields of Veterinary Science and Food Science and Technology. Manuscripts must be original and not have been partially or totally published in other journals. All papers must abide by the ethical code of the journal.

1.1. Types of work

Depending on the extent and focus of the study, the following types of work are considered:

  • Research articles: original papers on research in Veterinary Medicine and Food Science and Technology, with a maximum length of 8000 words, including tables and figures.
  • Notes and technical notes from 2 to 4 pages long.
  • Critical or systematic reviews and meta-analysis.
  • optionally the editorial committee may include the abstracts of End of Degree Papers (TFG) or End of Master Papers (TFM) defended in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Murcia, with the prior consent of the authors.

1.2. Authors' Commitment:

Authors accept the following commitments when submitting a manuscript to this journal:

  • Ni the manuscript, nor any version or translation thereof have been published in another medium or journal.
  • The manuscript has not been sent to any other publication or journal, and will not be sent during the evaluation process.

Failure to comply with any of these commitments will result in the automatic elimination of the review or acceptance process of the manuscript.

1.3. Fees, rights and open access.

Anales de Veterinaria is funded by the Publication Service and the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Murcia. For this reason there are no fees of any kind during the process of publication of the article (revision, edition, layout and publication).

Anales de Veterinaria is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-No-Commercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND).

Anales de Veterinaria is an open-access journal, according to the Budapest Initiative: Users can read, download, distribute, print, search and link to the full text of articles.


2.1. General

The papers will be written in Spanish or English. The manuscript must be written in Arial font, size 12 spaced 1.5 and justified paragraphs. Margins must be 3 cm. (top, bottom, left and right) and the pages and lines will be numbered. You should use as few types of formatting as possible in the text: bold only in the titles of the sections and italics only where necessary.

The scientific articles will consist of the following sections: Abstract and keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, Figures and Legends.
These sections may be reduced in the case of Short Notes or technical notes, and Critical or systematic reviews and meta-analysis.

The first page of the manuscript should include:

  1. Title: The title should be concise and informative. It will not exceed three lines, in the format of the journal (about 160 characters, including spaces). It will include a short title, to be used as a headline for odd pages, of no more than 5-9 words.
  2. Abstract and keywords: Two abstracts must be provided, in Spanish and English, regardless of the language of the manuscript. They should be concise and informative (the objective of the study, a brief material and method, the main results and the conclusion should appear) and not exceed 300 words.
    Following the abstracts, there should be a list of 3 to 5 key words, in Spanish and English, which should not be present in the title.

2.2. References in the text

In the text, authors will be cited as follows (https://normasapa.com):

  • An author: "according to Packer (1983)" or "other populations have been observed (Margalef, 1983)".
  • More than two authors, the first time all are named and the following with the notation "et al.":
    • First time: Ramirez, Cano, Rojas and Acuña (2014) or (Ramirez, Cano, Rojas & Acuña, 2014)
    • Rest of times: Ramirez et al. (2014) or (Ramirez et al., 2014)

For works by the same author, adding letters a, b, c, etc. in lower case, when published in the same year: (Cramer, 1995a; 1995b; 2000; Perico et al. 1997a; 2011b).

To cite documents of a legal nature such as laws, royal decrees, regulations, etc., the following format should be used:

  • For Spanish, European and similar legislation, the first time it is quoted in the text, the type of legal document, number/year, title or denomination will be included. For example:
    • Law 42/2007, on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity.
    • Real Decree 630/2013, regulating the Spanish Catalogue of Invasive Exotic Species.
  • For Anglo-Saxon based legislation (USA and GB):
    • National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.
    • The Flavourings in Food Regulations 2010.
  • To cite a web page within the text should be done in the following way:
    ... 3D anatomical models were used to study the human body (Argosy Medical Anition, 2007-2009).

For any doubt how to quote consult the APA regulation (https://normasapa.com).

2.3. Use of experimental animals and other studies in vivo

In work in which animal procedures are carried out, the corresponding approval by the "Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee" or equivalent body of the Institution where the experience has been carried out must be indicated, which guarantees that the work has been carried out in accordance with current legislation. In in vivo studies involving experimentation with humans, it will also be necessary to record the consent of the individuals under study.

2.4. List of references

Only books, articles, etc., cited in the paper should be included. Abbreviations for periodicals should conform to international standards. A comprehensive list of abbreviations can be found in the Serial Sources for the Biosis Data Base of the Biological Abstracts. The format for the list of references will conform to the following standards (https://normasapa.com/):

  1. journal articles:
    Coruminas, M., Ronecro, C., Bruguca, E., and Casas, M. (2007). Dopaminergic System and Addictions, Rev Mukuel, 44(1), 23-31.
    Bezuidenhout, A. (2006). Consciousness and Language (review). Language, 82(4), 930-934. doi: 10.1353/lan.2006.0184.
  2. Articles or chapters of books:
    Surname, A. A., and Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In A. A. Surname. (Ed.), Book Title (pp. xx-xx). City, Country: Editorial.
  3. Books, theses and other non-periodical publications
    Author's surname, Author's first name, (Year), Title in italics, City and country, Editorial.
    Surname, A. A. (Year). Title Retrieved from https://www.xxxxxx.xxx
    Surname, A. A. (Year). Title. doi: xx.xxxxxxxx
    Author, A., & Author, A. (Year). Title of the thesis (undergraduate, master's or doctoral thesis). Name of the institution, Place.
  4. Articles in the press:
    These papers can only be referred to if they have already been accepted by the editors of the corresponding journal. Their format will be:
    Collantes F, Delgado JA, Alarcón-Elbal P and Lucientes J. (in press). First con- firmed outdoor winter reproductive activity of Asian tiger mosquito in Europe. Journal of Vector Ecology. (accepted 29-IX-2017)
  5. Resources from internet:
    Surname, A. A. (Date). Title of the page. Place of publication: Name of the web page. address from which the document was extracted (URL), an example:
    Argosy Medical Animation. (2007-2009). Visible body: Discover human anatomy. New York, USA: Argosy Publishing. Retrieved from https://www.visiblebody.com.
  6. Documents of a legal nature:
    For Spanish, European and similar legislation, the type of legal document, (law, royal decree, ordinance, etc.) the number/year, the day of approval of the legal document or its publication (according to the legal tradition of each country), the bulletin or other means of publication and the pages will be indicated:
    • Law 42/2007, of 13 December, on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity. BOE 299: 51275-51327.
    • Royal Decree 630/2013, of 2 August, regulating the Spanish Catalogue of Invasive Alien Species. BOE 185: 56764-56786.
    For common law legislation (USA and GB), indicate the name of the law including the year, the abbreviated code of the relevant administration and the reference section or number:
    • National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321 note.
    • The Flavourings in Food Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010, SR 2010/414.

For any doubt about the format for the list of references consult the APA regulation (https://normasapa.com).

2.5. Tables and Figures

Authors should use the table function of their word processor to create them. They should not use tabulators or spaces, nor should they send them as images. The word Table will be used in the text to refer to tables and tables. Tables will be composed without vertical lines and will be numbered with Arabic numerals. All tables shall have a title and a short text at the foot of the table, as explanatory as possible, of the results it contains (e.g. meaning of abbreviations,...). Figures, illustrations and graphs will be mentioned in the text as Figures, bearing Arabic numerals. Photographs, slides, videos, or computer files may be used for images. Each figure and table will go on a separate page next to its legend (at the bottom of the figure), at the end of the manuscript.

2.6. Units

Veterinary Analyses use the International System of Units (SIU). The dot (.) will be used as decimal separator and the comma (,) as thousands separator.

2.7. Abbreviations

Unusual abbreviations may be used after explanation.


The manuscript will be sent through the platform (https://revistas.um.es/analesvet/about/submissions)

The files to be sent will be organized as follows:

  1. Muscript file: It will include the main text (without authors), tables and figures. The format used will preferably be Microsoft Word for Windows.
  2. As "additional files" the following files should be uploaded:
    • With the name "Cartaeditor.pdf", a letter to the editor (model), to be signed by all authors.
    • With the name "Listevisores.pdf", a file with a list of 3-5 reviewers. The proposed reviewers must not belong to the same institution as the authors, and must provide the email and position and institution to which they belong. Authors may also indicate a list of reviewers to whom they do not wish to have their manuscript sent for review.
    • With the name "Authors.pdf", a file with the identification data of the authors of the work. The authors will be named with the first surname followed by the name in abbreviation: Perez, F. (Fernando Pérez). If two surnames are used, they will be joined with a hyphen: Pérez-Asensio, F. Likewise, the postal addresses of each author must be provided. If there is more than one associated address, a superscript will be placed in each author and the addresses will be placed in different and numbered lines. The e-mail address will be included, but only that of the correspondence author.


The format, style and editorial policy of the manuscripts received by the editors will be revised. If the manuscripts do not comply with the publication standards of the journal, they will be returned so that the appropriate corrections can be made or, if necessary, they may be rejected. Once the format and quality filters of the study have been passed, the manuscript will be sent to at least two experts proposed by the Editorial Committee.

The result of the evaluation process can be:

  1. Article acceptance,
  2. Acceptance conditioned to the implementation of corrections, (minor revision)
  3. Require corrections and new revision (major revision) o
  4. Rejection.

The decision, duly justified, will be communicated to the authors by e-mail. If corrections have to be made, authors will have up to one month to make them; after this time, if the journal has not received a response, the manuscript will be definitively rejected.

If after the review process the manuscript is accepted, the author who sent the manuscript will receive a PDF file as proof of printing his work. The author will review the document and may only make modifications to typographical errors, never concerning the contents already accepted. In the event that the contents or structure of the manuscript undergo changes, this would mean the beginning of a new revision process


The format, style and editorial policy of the manuscripts received by the editors will be revised. If the manuscripts do not comply with the publication standards of the journal, they will be returned so that the appropriate corrections can be made or, if necessary, they may be rejected. Once the format and quality filters of the study have been passed, the manuscript will be sent to at least two experts proposed by the Editorial Committee.

The result of the evaluation process can be:

  1. Article acceptance,
  2. Acceptance conditioned to the implementation of corrections, (minor revision)
  3. Require corrections and new revision (major revision) o
  4. Rejection.

The decision, duly justified, will be communicated to the authors by e-mail. If corrections have to be made, authors will have up to one month to make them; after this time, if the journal has not received a response, the manuscript will be definitively rejected.

If after the review process the manuscript is accepted, the author who sent the manuscript will receive a PDF file as proof of printing his work. The author will review the document and may only make modifications to typographical errors, never concerning the contents already accepted. In the event that the contents or structure of the manuscript undergo changes, this would mean the beginning of a new revision process

Authors may monitor the evaluation process through the journal website (OJS system with username and password, https://revistas.um.es/analesvet)


When important errors are detected in the works already published in Veterinary Annals, at the discretion of the editors and with reasons justified by the authors, amendments may be published.

Authors may monitor the evaluation process through the journal website (OJS system with username and password, https://revistas.um.es/analesvet)


When important errors are detected in the works already published in Veterinary Annals, at the discretion of the editors and with reasons justified by the authors, amendments may be published.

Trabajos Fin de Grado/Fin de Máster

En esta sección se incluyen TFG/TFM defendidos en la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad de Murcia que han sido elaborados de acuerdo a las normas de publicación de la revista y que hayan obtenido en la memoria escrita una calificación superior a 9/10 por el Tribunal correspondiente encargado de su evaluación, formado por 3 profesores del Grado en Veterinaria de Murcia.

Proyectos de Innovación Docente

En esta sección podrán incluirse memorias finalizadas de proyectos de innovación docente desarrollados en el contexto de convocatorias públicas liderados por profesorado de la Facultad de Veterinaria de Murcia. Estos manuscritos se adaptarán al formato de Artículos de Investigación.

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal shall be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and shall not be made available for any other purpose or other person.