Microscopic and chemical characterization of leaves of Trema micrantha (L.) Blume
In order to expand microscopic and chemical information of Trema micrantha, this research aimed to perform the anatomical, histochemical and phytochemical characterization of the leaves of the species. The studies were conducted under light and polarized microscopy. For the histochemical analysis, different reagents were used, according to the metabolite. Anatomical structures that provide the detailed diagnosis of the species were described. The histochemistry showed the presence of phenolic compounds, alkaloids, lipophilic compounds, essential oils, lignin and calcium oxalate crystals in the leaf blade. Through SEM-EDS analysis it was also verified that the crystals are of calcium oxalate. Phytochemical analysis enabled the identification of mono and sesquiterpenes, triterpenes and steroids, saponins, cinnamic derivatives, flavonoids, hydrolysable tannins and reducing sugars. The study brought unpublished data about the species, expanding the knowledge about Cannabaceae.
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