In the present study we describe the seasonal and daily activity patterns of the spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca graeca) in the Southeastern Spain. We radiotracked eleven individuals (six females and five males) in the Sierra de Almenara (Murcia) between April 1998 and November 1999. Radiolocations were weekly and each individual was located between three and five times per day. In order to study the seasonal activity pattern we used the distances moved by the tortoises and the number of active and inactive tortoises. Daily activity pattern was assessed dividing the day into five periods and comparing the number of active tortoises in each periods. Our results describe a principal activity period during spring and an inactivity one during winter. The species can be active during autumn and be inactive during summer also, but in those cases the activity or inactivity are less intensive than during spring and winter respectively and it varies greatly among individuals. In general terms, the results are similar to those found at Southwestern Spain, but not to those found in Southern Morocco where there is no hibernation because they have moderate temperatures favourable for the species during winter. On the other hand, the differences with the population of Doñana are the duration of the activity period and the dates when the autumn activity period occurs. These differences could be explained as a consequence of the climatical differences between these two sites. The ultimate results is a much longer activity period in Doñana that could explain the bigger body size in the population of Doñana.Downloads
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