Characterization of production pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.) in the mayan zone of Quintana Roo, México


  • Héctor Cálix de Dios
  • Roberta Castillo Martínez
  • Hilario J. Caamal Canché
Keywords: Agroecology, biodiversity, production cycle, pitahaya, Hylocereus, Mayan Zone


The promotion for the dragon fruit crop (Hylocereus spp.), in the mayan zone, in Mexico, started in 1996. Since then, until the date, we have been monitoring the evolutionary dynamics of this agroforestry production system. With participatory action research (PAR) techniques, and works done in some dragon fruit pitahaya projects; the species diversity of pitahaya and pitahaya’s tutors, production methods in the zone, and the production cycle in the area, were recorded: a) newly stablished lands; b) lands of 2-3 years old; and c) consolidated production lands (over five years old), were visited in order to make this research, with the objective of to have a whole overview on the pitahaya planting, and the details on the production cycle. Pitahaya land preparation; getting and planting tutors; planting the pitahaya stems; fertilization; irrigation; pruning pitahaya and tutors; weeds, pests and diseases control; andharvesting,allofthat,basedon:1)learningofconventional growing techniques of dragon fruit, 2) crop methods adjustments, 3) application of ancestral knowledge on natural resources, 4) use of species diversity, 5 ) use of traditional management techniques of local resources, 6) establishment of an agricultural pitahaya production cycle, and 7) willingness to learn new growing techniques, were found, documented, analyzed and described.


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How to Cite
Cálix de Dios H., Castillo Martínez R., & Caamal Canché H. J. (2017). Characterization of production pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.) in the mayan zone of Quintana Roo, México. Agroecology, 9, 123–132. Retrieved from