Main agroecological farm structure (EAP): a new concept useful in Agroecology


  • Tomás León Sicard
  • Tania Mendoza Rodríguez
  • Cindy Córdoba Vargas
Keywords: agro-ecosystem, agroecology, agricultural biodiversity, environment


This article presents the first field application of a biodiversity agro-ecosystem indicator, in- cluding a discussion about ecosystem and cultural aspects from the environmental vision of agriculture.Theindicator,called“MainAgroecologicalStructureoftheFarm”(EstructuraAgroecológica Principal, EAP for its initials in Spanish) is the internal configuration or spatial arrangement of the farm and the connectivity among its various sectors, hedges and vegetation corridors or production systems. The EAP allows the movement and the exchange of different animal and plant species, offering them shelter, food and habitat. EAP also provides microclimate regulations and affects the production, conservation of natural resources and other ecosystem and cultural aspects of the major agro-ecosystems. The greatest degree of internal and external connectivity (with the Ecological Structure of the Landscape –EEP) offers greater possibilities of biological control compared to farms without structure or with weakly developed EAP.The concept can be useful in taxonomy and description of agro-ecosystems. This study evaluated the EAP of six organic farms (20 to 0.16 hectares) in the Bogotá savannah, by using ten general criteria: 1. Connectivity with the EEP 2. External Connectors Extension (ECE) 3. Diversification of External Connectors (DCE). 4. Internal Connectors Extension (ECI) 5. Diversification of Internal Connectors 6. Land Use (US) 7. Handling Weed (MA) 8. Other Management Practices (OP) 9. Perception - Awareness (PC) 10. Ability for Action (CA). Results indicate that only one of these farms had strongly developed EAP (81) and the rest ranged from moderate to slightly developed (EAP between 47 and 62). The disconnection with external elements of the landscape, the small size of the farms and diversification of external connectors, explain a great part of these results.


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How to Cite
León Sicard T., Mendoza Rodríguez T., & Córdoba Vargas C. (2017). Main agroecological farm structure (EAP): a new concept useful in Agroecology. Agroecology, 9, 55–66. Retrieved from