Gender and agro-ecology in Cuba, among knowledge traditional and new technologies


  • María de los Ángeles Arias Guevara
Keywords: gender relations, agroecology, empowering, traditional knowledges, agroecological movement, urban agriculture


This research comprises the results of the studies made on agroecological production spaces by the author, understanding Agroecology as a multidisciplinary field, a dialog of knowledge or non-aggressive techniques toward the environment. This was an alternative to the 90’s crisis in Cuba. Since then, the movement that got developed at that time takes advantage of traditional knowledge and, in the same way, paves the way to alter hierarchical structures in traditional gender relationships. While it introduces new technologies, knowledge acquisition, exchanges of experiences, it motivates women to put into practice organizational, educational, and rental-generation processes, among others. It implies some democratization in all spaces, thus redistributing portions of power as well as the potentiation of the abilities and its socio-economical empower. The methodology is based on case studies and the interpretation and analysis of sources.


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How to Cite
Arias Guevara, M. de los A. (2017). Gender and agro-ecology in Cuba, among knowledge traditional and new technologies. Agroecology, 9, 23–30. Retrieved from