Lecturing risks


  • Gabriel Dorado Pérez
  • Pilar Hernández Molina
  • María del Pilar Dorado Pérez


Instruction, improving teaching, European convergence, ECTS, EHEA, university, labor health, labor world, physiotherapy


The book “Cuidando al Formador. Habilidades Emocionales y de Comunicación” (Bimbela Pedrola y Navarro Matillas, 2007) impinges on key aspects of lecturing. Among them are the enhancement of the communication skills; the ones of the teacher towards the students, the ones of the students towards the teacher and the ones among them all in the classroom. Likewise, individual and team participation skills are also reported. A large part of the book (chapter 6) is wisely devoted to “ejemplos prácticos de aplicación de los instrumentos clave”. The book ends (chapter 7) with the exposition of the “habilidades para prevenir riesgos laborales y mejorar la salud de los formadores” and some short practical conclusions. Nevertheless, some bibliographic references are missing, and other references and web links indicated on the bibliographic section are not updated. Likewise, an alphabetical index at the end of the text would be invaluable; mainly for a practical manual like this reference book.


