Occasions for creativity in contexts of superior education
Creativity, Contexts of Education, UniversityAbstract
We emphasize the importance of studies that talk about creativity in education and consider that this is a relevant topic in the agenda of the educational investigation. We propose a position of creativity as a potentiality of all people and we assign the contexts an outstanding role, as varied opportunities for the unfolding of the creative capacities can take place in them. In this article we deal with educational contexts and state characteristics that would offer greater occasions for creativity. We talked about occasions, as possibilities or opportunities that are offered in the contexts. Nevertheless, the unfolding of creativity does not only depend on them, but also complex processes of meaning and appropriation on the part of the subjects are necessary. We raised some considerations respect to the relationships between creativity and contexts of education; then, from the analysis of theories and investigations, we point out characteristics of contents, teachers, classes and extra-curricular activities that would offer greater occasions for the unfolding of creative potentialities. Finally, we indicate limits and challenges that appear in the construction of educational contexts for creativity.Downloads
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