«Han tal bec vostres gallines?» sobre la representación medieval del falo a través de algunos ejemplos iconográficos y literarios pertenecientes a la narrativa catalana del siglo XV


  • Jerónimo Méndez Cabrera Universidad de Valencia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/j103401
Keywords: phallus, medieval sexuality, fifteenth-century literature, catalan narrative, romanesque art, medieval eroticism, marginalia


The main aim of this article has been gathering, classifying and interpreting some meaningful iconographic and textual samples as well in order to offer a synthesis about the origins and modalities of the medieval conceptualization of the phallus, relating the typology of certain visual representations and the drôleries of the manuscript marginalia to what we can find in several texts of the Catalan narrative in the 15th century as the Llibre de fra Bernat, el Col·loqui de dames, Lo procés de les olives and Lo somni de Joan Joan, and discovering some interpretative keys for the study of the medieval literature.


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How to Cite
Méndez Cabrera, J. (2009). «Han tal bec vostres gallines?» sobre la representación medieval del falo a través de algunos ejemplos iconográficos y literarios pertenecientes a la narrativa catalana del siglo XV. Murcian Medieval Miscellany, (33), 123–142. https://doi.org/10.6018/j103401