Hisn Qulunbayra: de baluarte califal a villa de frontera nazarí


  • Luca Mattei
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/mimemur.35.142181
Keywords: hisn, rural castles, western mountains of Granada, territorial organization, emergent structure analysis, first fitna


In this article we present the study of Islamic fortifications in a rural context through the case of Colomera Castle, which lies in the western mountains of the province of Granada. In this study we will deal with exposing different documentary and material evidence, which suggests a constructive historical evolution of the castle during medieval times. This will present some suggestive hypotheses for understanding the role and function attributed to societies that generated such changes in its configuration.


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How to Cite
Mattei, L. (2011). Hisn Qulunbayra: de baluarte califal a villa de frontera nazarí. Murcian Medieval Miscellany, (35), 123–144. https://doi.org/10.6018/mimemur.35.142181