Factores de control del territorio en tiempos de Alfonso VI de Castilla (1065/1072-1109): el ejemplo del área riojana


  • Ricardo Santamaría Pérez Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/j103451
Keywords: Alfonso VI of Castile, territorial administration, nobility, Rioja area, feudal relationships (lord-vassal relationships), holdings, royalty (crown), honors


This article is designed as an approach to the tools that were used by the castilian king Alfonso VI to control and organize the territories currently belonging to La Rioja, following its acquisition in 1076. The assassination of Sancho IV Garcés, king of Pamplona that year, it serves as a starting point to illustrate the situation of the territorial organization of the eleventh and twelfth centuries in Castile and for a short characterization of both the nobility groups established by those areas as the feudal relationships deployed by the monarch in order to castilianize the region.


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How to Cite
Santamaría Pérez, R. (2009). Factores de control del territorio en tiempos de Alfonso VI de Castilla (1065/1072-1109): el ejemplo del área riojana. Murcian Medieval Miscellany, (33), 185–194. https://doi.org/10.6018/j103451